Welcome to READ India

Our Journey

Our Journey:


We, as a registered civil society organization established in 2001 working with the objective to promote better living conditions with the power to enjoy individual rights and to ensure dignified life in the society by acquiring education and employment for social and economic sustainable changes in the marginalized community like Dalit, Tribes, young workers and Interstate migrant workers.  To ensure and guarantee the rights of every individual, READ closely works with the government departments and Garment Industries since the working district are the major belt for spinning and garment industries to create awareness training and sensitization programs.  These factors have enabled us to bring about change right from grassroots-level implementation to policy-level advocacy. We distinguish ourselves from working in various districts of Tamilnadu.  In fact, we have extended our work from Erode to Coimbatore, Tirupur, and Karur, when it comes to project implementation, sustainability, global presence, and good governance exist throughout our journey.


In 2003

READ started School Enrollment Camp and created awareness in the community on girl child education and the importance of education.


In 2005        

Educational Centre called Child Activity Centre was established.

Women groups were started to empower socially and economically.

Women groups at the village level started work for the protection of child


In 2006, Research Study On

Textile Workers Conditions in Garments and Industries

The practice of Manual Scavenging

Caste Based Discrimination on Dalit Children in Schools

On-field worked for textile workers through creating awareness, capacity building training, Psycho-socio care, scholarships for the young workers to continue their education, and Consultations with Government departments and Mill Management to sensitize and create awareness on Workers’ Rights


In 2013

Village Resource Centre was established in the 40 villages through Erode district

Fully engaging with Garment Industries, Brands and Government departments

Mental Health Trainings and Counselling for Textile workers both Onsite and Offsite of workplace

Life-skill Training for Textile Workers both Onsite and offsite of workplace

Research Study on Legal Gaps and Remedies based on Young workers in the Garment Industries


In 2016

Presenting the Study Report of Legal gaps & Remedies based on Young Workers in the Garment industries at the National level 


In 2018

Study on Interstate Migrant Women Workers

Presenting the study to Government departments, Civil Society Organizations, Mill Managements and to the Brands

Conducting Training and Awareness programs for Interstate Migrant Workers

Enforcing to include the migrant workers in the 4 committees in the spinning and garment industries. Especially in the Internal Complaints Committee

Started to work in the field of Bonded Labour;

Identification, Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Prosecution

Extended Our Work to Coimbatore, Tirupur, and Namakkal


In 2019

Established Educational Centre for Migrant Children in the migrants’ settlement at Erode District

Working for the Rights and Entitlements of Interstate Migrant Workers


In 2020

Research Study on Migrant Children in Erode District